Article writing can be a great and rewarding career, a great way to earn a living. Various websites around the world offer a great deal of respect for articles. There are also many other sites where the article is paid according to the pageview, and the pageview continues throughout the lifetime, honors come throughout life. Apart from writing articles for your own blog, Google AdSense can earn a lot of revenue. There is also upwork where at least 3 clients advertise every day than Article Writer. There are hundreds of article writing projects in the free-lance markets, with just a few sites with some of the following:
After all, if you can write an article, you will not miss a single day in your lifetime, a 100% guarantee.
For those who are eligible for Article Writing
Those who love the English language, read news or storybooks in English, who have immense proficiency in English, can understand any English writing, translate Bengali to English or English to Bengali; They can take article writing as a profession. Those who are not very skilled but know fairly English can make their own.
Can i
I mean! Article writing is quite simple. Really writing an article was a simple task. But writing a standard article is a bit of an art, with a little bit of neatness. So, to write a quality article you have to become an artist. For this, you will have to study a lot, read the writings of good writers, follow their style, and once you write, you will suddenly have a style of your own.
What to write
First, you need to decide what to write, if you can not decide the topic or topic of the topic before the start of writing, then you can not start writing. Think about what you know best, what you know best about it. Both can be the subject of your writing. This does not mean that you cannot write about something you do not know. When you consider article writing as a proposal, your client may order you to write about many things you do not know.
Then return the order? However, this client will no longer work for you. What to do? Do research, research on that topic and start writing about the necessary information. Suppose you decide to write down your home loan or your client has already decided this. First, think about what you would like to know if you are a reader. The first thing you can do is to make a few questions on the subject. As-
★ What is a home loan?
★ Why do people take home loans?
★ What are the things to keep in mind before taking out a home loan?
★ What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting a home loan?
★ What to do to get a Home Loan?
★ Do I have to submit papers to get a home loan?
★ How Much is the Interest Rest on Home Loans?
★ How to pay a home loan?
★ What if you can't pay?
★ Are there laws and regulations in this regard? And so on.
★ Why do people take home loans?
★ What are the things to keep in mind before taking out a home loan?
★ What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting a home loan?
★ What to do to get a Home Loan?
★ Do I have to submit papers to get a home loan?
★ How Much is the Interest Rest on Home Loans?
★ How to pay a home loan?
★ What if you can't pay?
★ Are there laws and regulations in this regard? And so on.
Then all you have to do is type a home loan and do a Google search. You will carefully read the articles you will find at the beginning of the rank. Keep up to date useful information. If you wish you can search by holding each of the above questions. Get lots of articles. Articles will give you good support. However, you must write a better and informative article. And no line can be copied in any way. You are dying to copy.
Have you ever thought of writing something to Google and in a matter of milliseconds, Google brings you thousands of pages of text in front of you, where do you bring them from?
There are more than one billion websites online. Whenever something is published on a website, the Google crawler immediately appears there and takes those data to its own data center. The next time someone searches, another crawler takes the data from that data center and shows it to him. So even if you copy a line, it will be considered a duplicate to Google. So your writing needs to be completely unique.
Use the tool below to check if your text is unique -
Look at the image above, copy and paste the text you want to check if you want to duplicate it. Then tick the box to the left of the text, 'I am not a robot'. Finally, click on the checkbox "White Plagiarism" on the green background below. Checking will start and after a while, you will see how many percent is unique and how many percents is duplicated.
Article Writing So far. This text is very important, so it became very big. This is an essential article for those who want to write an article or plan to blog. So, share the text on your Facebook wall to find the time you need it.
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